Mmmmmm, my blog is about random thought's. If you enjoy those, hopefully you'll enjoy my poetry that's based off apart of growing and a journey through life's experiences. My goal is that you'll read something you can either take from it, or contribute. Either way, enjoy. Mwwwah!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Always breathing life into words....: What my lips won't say...but my mind speaks volume...
Always breathing life into words....: What my lips won't say...but my mind speaks volume...: "I want more of you then my lips will ever tellI want to explore your inner emotion till I find every answer to the questions this world won..."
What my lips won't say...but my mind speaks volume..
I want more of you then my lips will ever tell
I want to explore your inner emotion till I find
every answer to the questions this world won’t tell
Let my hands glide along the motions of your body
till my actions will have your heart skipping beats
till my actions will have your heart skipping beats
because my love goes deep…
I loved
going through the rumble of thunder until I reach your calm sea's
I'ma give you a glimpse of our love scenes.
but remember babe, patience is my pain..
And I've been digesting stained memories of us,
on tables, and stairs... wondering if those four walls
could talk....cause this calligraphy of love making
was beyond us, beyond just lust.
With a hunger that had it's own imperfections
as essence spilled over linens
and words formed sentence's, that was bigger then us.
Bigger then what it was supposed to have been....
maybe one night or relinquish silent flames of
desire.. as we played on the strings of each other's instrument
Neither of us knew it played beautiful music... Maybe then
it would be easier for me to tell you.... How much I still love you.
I loved
going through the rumble of thunder until I reach your calm sea's
I'ma give you a glimpse of our love scenes.
but remember babe, patience is my pain..
And I've been digesting stained memories of us,
on tables, and stairs... wondering if those four walls
could talk....cause this calligraphy of love making
was beyond us, beyond just lust.
With a hunger that had it's own imperfections
as essence spilled over linens
and words formed sentence's, that was bigger then us.
Bigger then what it was supposed to have been....
maybe one night or relinquish silent flames of
desire.. as we played on the strings of each other's instrument
Neither of us knew it played beautiful music... Maybe then
it would be easier for me to tell you.... How much I still love you.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Always breathing life into words....: Graduating from the dance floor.
Always breathing life into words....: Graduating from the dance floor.: "At what age is it that you officially throw your cap in the air and get the invisible hand shake saying “congratulations”, you’ve graduated ..."
Graduating from the dance floor.
At what age is it that you officially throw your cap in the air and get the invisible hand shake saying “congratulations”, you’ve graduated from the late night, feet so sore you can’t wear any closed toe shoes for the next two days, because you’ve sacrificed comfort for cuteness, stage. Now don’t get me wrong shaking a leg every now and then could be good for many reasons for example, dancing is some people’s therapy, it’s how they cope with the demands of society .Night life use to be full of adventure, a thrill that was determined to meet its master at our youthful days. Now the best thrill is when we get home to take off our shoes and lay in our bed and chuckle over great memories. So, has the thrill completely diminished or have we realized we really don’t give a damn how ridiculous we look with our cap and gown on the dance floor?
Friday, September 3, 2010
Always breathing life into words....: Is it time to listen to your body?
Always breathing life into words....: Is it time to listen to your body?: "It amazes me when our body starts showing sign’s of “Hey you something’s not right here”, but we keep trucking. Why? Because we’re in a worl..."
Is it time to listen to your body?
It amazes me when our body starts showing sign’s of “Hey you something’s not right here”, but we keep trucking. Why? Because we’re in a world of “I must”. “I must” work, cook, clean, repair, mend, transport, organize, take out trash and leap from signal story building with our capes flowing through the wind, all of this with a disgruntle smile on our face in the same day. We as American’s seem to think we function with a “Bionic” gene. However it’s at that point when our body start’s working in overdrive to keep up with our minds demands, we tend to realize our bodies were designed to be taken care of and not forgotten, that it still need’s some “TLC” every now and then. The oddly but strange consequence of this is we start to feel as if all our bodily organs start working backwards instead of forward…and that’s when you notice you've left that trail of Kleenex’s from your living room to your bedroom and you start to wonder “Am I getting sick”. Just like you have mandatory breaks in the work force; mandate your mind to take a break, just long enough for your body to catch up.
Peace, Love and Happiness.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It started with this infatuation,
Creating small ripples in this quit
ocean of our lives that soon turned
Into tidal waves of uncontrollable
It was like I was unprepared and yes fully prepared for the
Reality of my consequence the force
of the blow that was inevitable. I was
taking off my armor when I was in the middle of
her battle- the battle for her love.
I was looking for this enemy as though
It had take human form
But It was hidden deep inside of me
Wanting to blame her for emotions,
that are unstable like water.
My wall she had broken down all along
I’m handing her a chisel.
Erogenous notions outlined
in my mind of eating her out
The wetness of her pussy explodes in my
Mouth, I shiver at all the flavors as if its
assaulting me, I accept it willingly.
Surviving in her ocean breathing with out
Scuba gear through her erotic motions I find air.
As far as my tongue can reach
I leave my signature’
T. A. N.Y.A was here,
Contributing 110%.SweetNess
14 Years too late
14 Years too late
We only have what’s left of our hearts,
Let’s take em’ and fly to a distance galaxy
We’ve built this mystery between friendships and lovers
With out knowing it’s repercussion when an us
was never suppose to happen
Word’s like “I love you” tentatively escapes into
spoken voices.
To hearts that are broken and bodies with out souls, given
to the highest bidder.
Do I hear 20 dollars, 20, 20, to the gentlemen with the red horns.
30, do I hear 30, going once, twice to the gentleman with the white robe
WAIT! But it’s too late; too many years between us
The sand in the hour glass has dissipated
Words that cant be translated
I can’t rewind time………….*****
14 years between us brings tears to my eyes
I arrived too late…………….. and I just found what I was missing.
When a touch has its own voice, laughter carries lyrical notes.
Time eludes us, but we don’t give a fuck, cause that one
last organism, is like magic! Poof! Fuck it’s already time to get up.
My eyes were open all along looking through that
pretty red rose stain glass
to this reality, allusion, with
this mystery comes a twist.
That I was 14 years, 5 month, 4 days and 11 hours to this day too…late…
Last poem; written about a women that I was too late, to save her soul, and too late to capture her heart.
Excites Me
This women excites me like a present under the Christmas tree
I want to hold her unwrap and gaze upon her beauty like a blind man seeing his first horizon Her love is unexplainable just as she is It's the type of love that I want to lose my breath just talking to her just to inhale all of her back into my lungs again/shes bcome my cancer her sexiness, brilliantness consumes me Her conversation is like good love making. I don't know where to end it. shes my Nefertiti queen intelligent runs in her family like royalty. I bow down to kiss her feet She pushes the limits of my sexuality I'm intoxicated by her beauty. She see through my bullshit.. Transforming this mirage into reality when I'm with her I go through temporarily insanity...
Didn't know what else 2 say..
Crazy Shit
Crazy Shit
This is..... some.... crazy shit
And this truth hurt
that I wait.. tick tock tick tock
Around the clock on your... call.
For this feeling doesn't have a metaphor
And I try to do the back stroke against her currents,
but she swallows me whole.
She is drunken by my
fountain of youth
but she isn't getting any younger
but I grow bags
under my eyes waiting on her
surprise call or text
saying to come over
She tells me it's hard for
her to touch ground
when I levitate her to a higher
When I'm just trying to show her
she deserve more
that it's time for someone else
to take care of themselves
instead of them dipping in her
pockets looking for their answers.
But this is some crazy shit.
When our minds are engaged as
as if we have two karat diamond on each
It's when we go through
sensational, dimensional, altitude
beyond seeing the brand of each others sheets
when our eyes speak more then our mouth does.
And babe I'm trying to dissect and define down to
the fibers that your mind speak.
And not just those bathroom memorizes
OMG it was magnificent, even down to the
I don't give a fuck if we get caught...
We etched and recreated erogenous thoughts.
And I was explicitly in awe of the moans that came out of
your mouth. Making it my duty for her to understand
.that I have no limitations
I just want to stroke her every key..
while she's singing the perfect
melody.... in my ear...
But this is some crazy shit...
when I praise the veins that raved my wrist
cause it allows me to enter into your yoni
like this.. with the perfect stroke with such
rhythm even Beethoven can hear it.. because time doesn't
move like my hands do
I'm not trying to cum @ this moment, I want you too.
I breath life into you by kissing on your nipples
and you fall into my world
were pleasure is endless
I would leave you paralyzed from the
waist down, and you
become impregnated by the amount of orgasm I give you
And your glow will effect otha's blood flow, well call them haters
But this is some crazy shit..
when I wanna be more then a nite....or day... or the words that I say
that she has me sttttttuing – trying to make complete sentences out of this shit.
I'm pricing defibrillator's or seeing if my insurance covers it.. cause when I go around her
my heart starts doing acrobatic flips.
But instead of waiting on your call, I'm waiting on the jingle of your keys
at our front door.
I'm wanting to put love in your hands and have you taste it.... all over again and again
and you suddenly have amnesia and every time will be your first time you've experienced my SweetNess... and your taste buds no longer
recognize the taste of food... without the flavor of my skin
on the tip of your tongue.
But this is some.... crazy shit... Rite?
Written by:
She Said Part 2
She said my smile is mischievous..
words my mouth don't speak
but my eye's complete sentence's
Confidant with a fragrance of arrogance..
She said.. My love is fictional, based on true heartaches..
both mine and those I created
That I move on to the next women faster than Hobo's hop train's..
too afraid this one or that one is going to tie me down.
She said.... I just want to love you. and I said "Women come a dime a dozen, always willing to open their leg's to empty words".. But she was different, she kept her leg's closed..
words my mouth don't speak
but my eye's complete sentence's
Confidant with a fragrance of arrogance..
She said.. My love is fictional, based on true heartaches..
both mine and those I created
That I move on to the next women faster than Hobo's hop train's..
too afraid this one or that one is going to tie me down.
She said.... I just want to love you. and I said "Women come a dime a dozen, always willing to open their leg's to empty words".. But she was different, she kept her leg's closed..
She Said
She said... "I love you"!!
even though it was said in the
middle of her best orgasm ever
I still wanted to hear it...
cause even though our relation
lyed between the fabric of sheets
I filled a space that was broken..
I was her temporary band aide....
emotions planed seeds in dry soil...
even though it was said in the
middle of her best orgasm ever
I still wanted to hear it...
cause even though our relation
lyed between the fabric of sheets
I filled a space that was broken..
I was her temporary band aide....
emotions planed seeds in dry soil...
And she swore she sold her soul, but I was ready
To dive at the depths of Hell to buy it back..
So instead of the rain, I brought her the
Rainbow.. To keep her smiling..
She said... I’m not ready for relationship
But we would have won an Oscar playing house…
And me portraying the role of a playa I said me
Neither… but in the back of my mind I enjoyed
Every moment with her, even though we fought like
Cat’s and dogs.. and my friends despised her..
My ego boosted when she said “ I love you”… and
Even though it was said in the middle of her best
Orgasm ever.. I still wanted to hear it…
For she wined and dined me.. as if I was her
Princess… but yet she was still not ready for a
Relationship.. however I was..
She said… we were soul mates,
-- I don't think I'm finished w/ this one..
Sailing into her ocean.
Sailing into her ocean.
My mind goes on exotic trips every time I look at her.
My memories are packed, with out a passport.
Mmmmm, Naw I don’t want to come back to my reality.
Just to stay in her world I feel like,
Christopher Columbus.
Exploring every inch of her body
I set sail into her horizon.
In search of her island
Evaporating fears of sinking in her ocean;
I rather drown in her emotions.
Seeking solace trying to capture her uniqueness.
While I drift into her sea, emotions engulf me.
I’ve never felt this way
Thoughts that are liquefied.
Feelings of spentafied.
No explanation for them
Her ocean carries me; like
a new born baby
I can see my destiny
Sailing on her vibes
Her waves are like tsunami
As she arches her back
And release its power on the
palm of my hand, ahhhhhhh
her waves are calm again
I’m afraid to see the shore
Huh, it will affirm my journey is ending
But this is where I belong.
Sailing in her ocean
Along the bay of her body,
Searching for new worlds
That I escape too while looking at her.
What I'm going 2 do 2 u.
Your body is going to be the next evolution
As I create history on it
Shirt, Necklaces, Panties, Stiletto’s keep them on.
My goal is to touch the seed you were
Sprouted from
GPS, will be the only device to relocate my tongue
Once it goes… inside you.
Im’a penetrate your mind before culmination drips
between your thighs
Give you a glimpse of paradise without
Touching the island…while drinking
From your fountain of youth.
Pulse pounding, Illicit look, not yet
I say…. I’m just telling you what I’m going to do..
wait until I actually touch you.
Never Good Enough for Her
I'm thinking about you more then I want too
Fantasying on what I want to do the next time I see you.
This is leading to my destruction, I know.
Inextricably tied to this revelation that weave in and out of good memories
blazing nights that broods Leaving tingling sensations
in places mama's told us was inappropriate to talk about.
Alone in my prison of lust, desire with the doors wide open.
Trying to seek clarity in this chaos
with this knowledge that I am beyond definition,
to not just take up space to push the inevitable Day by day, night by night
To never regret anything Ive done,
somehow realize the difference between wrong and right.
When I am just as unstable as water, no matter it's shape or form.
My heart touches everything except what I need!
And yet I bring it homemade to the fire
within seconds of this sensation
Like a blind man struggling for the remaining light the truth
I don't want to seek for this edge of my reasons, I plead my case.
As tear fall to my feet Now that It occurs to me,
the rutter of her emotions speaks a language all it's own,
breaking boundaries defining possibilities unfolding into magnificent explosions.
I realize that no matter what I may be........ I will never be good enough for her.
Let me plant my seeds in your garden
And I’ll be your Gardner
Making sure your ends
Are trimmed to perfection, and your
Watered just enough to keep you moist…
So that you… would blossom.. rather it’s winter, spring, summer or fall..
creating my own blend of fertilizer.. ppl will see the dedication I put into you….
when you smile…because you will still feel the very first day I saw your potential..
I Am Not!
I am not
I am not hero – although I want to be
Never once leaped from tall buildings
Shoot long white webs from the palms of my hand
Repealed from mountain peaks
Or yelled “here I come to save the Day” oh its might
Might Mouse who’s here to stay...
But it wouldn’t be Might Mouse… It would be Tanya
I am not my generation
I think I was born way before my time
To where the word vinyl smooths my mind,
but confuses Others. They understand record
If it doesn’t come with PS 2
MP player, GPS
Tibo- Kedo and yes I made that last one up
But none the less it will be used for something
Soon enough
There no one pulling over asking for directions
Even the homeless have jobs.. and America thinks they don’t
Because their job consume every last Connor.
Taking what we worked for in building
Touching the skyline- Every mans penny
Goes into another mans pocket
I am not a pretty girl
But I say fuck you to
All who say im not
The trouble is ive earned everything the worlds called me
Ive been a tom boy from knee high to ado lest –
And ive got battle wounds to show it
I guess I can wear a dress…to look a little famine to make up
To who I am now
To become a w ife
A mother
A single parent
To a lesbian
I am not some one to take for granted
Im an original creature
Despite what people might say.
Moments may suppress
My knowledge
Im two seconds from Ebonics
Just trying to use big words
To seem intelligent
You get judge on what you know
In this third world nation
I am not happy with our political advisors..
The media controls our sensation
our president (yes his ass won the election)
our president (yes his ass won the election)
But that doesn’t give him a platform to stand upon
It gives us war..
And him a bigger dick
Thinking he’s helping our nation
But the plot was obvious
There is no desertion.
I am not….
Cursed w/ you’re Memories
Cursed w/ you’re Memories
My perception has me
strapped in deception
trying to make sense
of all this bull shit.
When logical reasoning
has my mind freezing,
like sipping on a slurpey
and not coming up to breath
I consumed too much of you
So much like lust, your
Touch was never enough
I gotta touch ground
I’m painting pictures of a past
With no future. Cause I’m
cursed with your memories.
Like a stain I can’t wipe you off.
Tide has nothing on you,
On my second
Transfusion, Crucified wit my heart
Already nailed to the cross. but I’m
Too committed, to quit you…
Immune on every level to otha females
When their touch or
Kiss…means nothing.
Nuttin like us, sex so good’ I was trying
To learn a second language just to say “Gracias Babe”
Hoping this yacht wouldn’t dock but it did.
My mind is physical fit… with words that
Flow as fast as Nigra Falls …cause us is
Preexisting with feelings like ivory’s plants –
Even when I tried to cut em @ the roots.. they still exist.
but im’a
Fast forwarding this shit.. Im’a… be 50
Still rekindling these damn memories… of you and us..
And possibly having someone read it as my eulogy…
Big Gurl
Every time I write it’s like…
my beginning, projecting memories,
reflecting on its origin…
misrepresented, and not yet
understood…. why I talk so nasssssty!!
grown before I turned…. 32, spitting
big gurl words.. like, (clearing throat)
Bitter Sweet
U are like the scar on my right knee/ a wound forced upon bcause I was all way's looking 4 instant gratification/ as I rode my skate board down that hill on my belly/ testing fate or just plain crazy/ This scar leave's it's memories/ like a stain/ like a....last kiss/ last touch/ it's impression is ingrained in my skin/ like mixing honey w apple cider/ it's bitter sweet/ cause even though that rush was exciting/ my wound tell's me I should have known better/ Because now you are like the scar on my right knee, just below the knee cap/a wound that haven't completely healed yet/
Perfecting Sex
I admit I didn’t invent sex
I just perfected it,
Having her thinking
I left my signature in seven
Different languages when I only
Speak one.
Taking you on an altitude that
Have you hyperventilating, for
more..As I touch your
Star while smelling your
Flower, this is both physical
And mental…My tongue
is correlating w/ my
Touch, each stroke I’m trying to
Connect w/ you soul and retrace
Your very existence…. with
Each kiss.
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