It amazes me when our body starts showing sign’s of “Hey you something’s not right here”, but we keep trucking. Why? Because we’re in a world of “I must”. “I must” work, cook, clean, repair, mend, transport, organize, take out trash and leap from signal story building with our capes flowing through the wind, all of this with a disgruntle smile on our face in the same day. We as American’s seem to think we function with a “Bionic” gene. However it’s at that point when our body start’s working in overdrive to keep up with our minds demands, we tend to realize our bodies were designed to be taken care of and not forgotten, that it still need’s some “TLC” every now and then. The oddly but strange consequence of this is we start to feel as if all our bodily organs start working backwards instead of forward…and that’s when you notice you've left that trail of Kleenex’s from your living room to your bedroom and you start to wonder “Am I getting sick”. Just like you have mandatory breaks in the work force; mandate your mind to take a break, just long enough for your body to catch up.
Peace, Love and Happiness.
Good stuff Tanya!